I am Elizabeth

This is mummy’s mothering corner


Cut nails

Posted by Everyday Healy on April 20, 2008

I realized my girl had grown up a lot. Her long pants getting shorter. And, I still remember it’s quite hard to cut her nails before she turned 1. However, it’s so much easier now. I guess she started to understand that she might get hurt if she is moving while mummy was cutting her nails. 😛

Her nails grow so fast. Mummy got to cut her nails every 2 to 3 days. And, the scissors type nail cuter is exceptional useful. Easy to use and safe too. This type of nail cuter is specially designed to avoid us from cutting the little ones finger.

I better be hard working. If I don’t cut her nails, the long nails will cut her skin as she scratches her backs or legs. She scratches almost her whole body. Damn good at scratching! :roll:

Anyway, granny is still the one who always remember to cut her nails. Careless mummy! :(

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